
Leading Families Through the Journey of Healing
Dr. LaFonya Jones-Hines is a licensed therapist in practice for more than 15 years, currently located in Texas. Both, passion and knowledge, propelled her to expertise toward the apex of degrees including a BA in psychology, dual master's degrees in professional and clinical counseling as well as a PsyD in clinical psychology.
Dr. Jones demonstrates excellence in the field of addiction. For more than ten 10 years, she has exemplified a keen focus on the unique caveats of success in sobriety. As a Master Addiction Counselor, her ability to help others find honesty and transparency in their lives empowers them to feel free to discuss their hurts and share their tears and laughter, ensuring the healing of families.

"One day, after one of my groups, I was sitting in my office, thinking about the healing that had just taken place. I have to say, I was proud on this day, for some reason. I experienced many successful groups before, but for some reason, this day made me realize I was engaging in some real healing moments. Initially, when I took on this position as the family therapist, there were not many families or loved ones
participating in the program.
As I began to engage with them, more of them started participating
because I listened to their stories. Before they participated in the group,
I was able to identify behaviors they developed because of the addict.
Identifying behaviors such as, lacking boundaries, trying to control the
addict, and not expressing their needs, wants, and desires encouraged
them to participate in the group. They felt heard and seen, just by
having a phone conversation.
Once the participation in the group started, they learned it was
shared experiences and behaviors around the room. This made me
realize more group discussions need to occur for loved ones to
experience this same healing. Therefore, I decided to write
this essential guide to reach more families by helping them to
engage in the healing process."
(From the Preface, ADDICTION HURTS EVERYONE - Dr. LaFonya Jones-Hines)

A Family's Journey to Healing
Addiction Hurts Everyone: A Family's Journey to Healing is a 3-volume guide consisting of the Essential Guide, Participant's Guide, and Meditational that assists family members related to those who are suffering from drug addiction. In this powerful work, Dr. LaFonya Jones-Hines utilizes her practical and professional expertise in developing a group strategy for therapy.
The Essential Guide is strictly for professionals or family members who are trained in group therapy and who act as facilitators for group therapy and group exercises. This guide provides facilitators with a framework for implementing the principles for families to recover from the hurt they suffer from their loved one's addiction.

The Participant's Guide is for family members who are committed to participating in the group therapeutic process and exercises implemented by the facilitator of the group. The Participant's Guide has exercises and discussion questions for reflection and recovery for the family member who is suffering from their loved one's addiction.

The Meditational, although not mandatory for the recovery process within the Essential Guide, and Participant's Guide, is yet, a powerful tool for reflection and meditation, thereby providing peace and principles for self-healing and awareness. Both, the facilitator, and family members are welcomed and encouraged to read the Meditational.
Authors Who Write with Integrity, Intelligence, and Inspiration!