
Our founder, Derrick Irving Temple, Sr. formed Urban Publishing House in February of 2021, during the COVID-19 outbreak, at a time when our world was forced to reshape priorities about what was most important in life. Forced to stay inside, Derrick saw the COVID era as a time to re-think, re-shape, and revive. It was a time when houses needed to become homes. Thus, Urban Publishing House was formed to become a publishing home to authors who have been taken advantage of by many publishing companies in the market. We are a Christian company that is a "voice" for urban communities. Our authors express relevant insights into the spiritual and social concerns of our times, creating a felt positive social impact in our urban cities and homes. We are the "game-changers" of the publishing industry. We hold the keys, empowering each author to gain full control over his/her book, and we become the amplifiers that ensure the author's voice is heard with integrity, intelligence, and inspiration!
Authors Who Write with Integrity, Intelligence, and Inspiration!

Our brand is found in the vintage tradition of publishing. We are a publishing "house" that makes our authors feel "at home.” We cherish closeness, care, and concern for our authors and their works. Therefore, we treat each book as if it was our own. We develop relationships with our authors in a way that we become a publishing family to each and every author. At Urban Publishing House, we work with our writers every step of the way on their literary journey, helping to bring out the most from their work, from an idea and rough draft to editing and publication.
Exceeding Expectations
Communication with publishers can be a frustrating task for the author. Nothing beats being able to talk to a live person in any business venture. While it is convenient and cost-effective for the producer to provide voice animation, chat, and e-communications options, it is frustrating for the consumer. At Urban Publishing House, we build true relationships with each author and are there with them through the entire publishing and production process, including the author being able to personally communicate and work with our founder Derrick I. Temple, Sr.

Satisfaction Guaranteed
Through many publishing services, authors usually pay extra fees per word, or they may have to pay a third-party editor. Our publishing offerings include editing with no extra costs. In addition, our publishing services are not raised due to the free editing services we provide. We simply have an affordable flat fee for publishing that includes as many rounds of editing needed, at no extra costs.
You Write, You Profit
Some publishing companies may promise 100% royalties to the author. This can be misleading for the inexperienced author. What they really mean is that the author gets 100% of NET SALES. Unless they make that clear, that is false advertising. 100% of NET SALES can be as low as 20% author profit for each book sold depending upon where the author's book is distributed to retail stores. Urban Publishing House offers a unique strategy for the author to truly profit the most from his/her book in which each author's profit doubles. Apart from the author's complete royalty granted through our bookstore, if the authors prefer, we help authors develop their own online store to have even greater control over their royalties! Contact our founder to find out how.

Urban Publishing House offers authors up to 40 different trim sizes, the largest trim size amount in the publishing industry. In addition, it is important to think of the quality of your print book. A quality bound book guarantees longevity. UPH guarantees professional and long-lasting books.

We'll Work With YOU! Unaffordability is an impossibility at our "House." Our goal is to help you get your book published. The Bible teaches that the laborer is worthy of his hire (Luke 10:7). With too many traditional publishing companies, an author can get as little as $2 to every $10 per book. We are not that type of company. We are a ministry. We want to see you profit from your book more than we profit. That is our goal.
Print On Demand Above Traditional Printing
Print on Demand is the most cost-effective method of publishing. With the rise of social media and marketing techniques and consultations offered by Urban Publishing House, getting your book in bookstores is not always a necessary option for getting your book in a competitive market. However, getting books on shelves in bookstores is also a service provided by Urban Publishing House.

With Print on Demand, there is no physical inventory to manage. In addition, after your book is purchased, the order is sent to the POD printer, where your book is ​promptly ​printed and ​mailed to the purchaser.
Print on Demand still allows your books to be in major bookstores and over 39,000 retailers who work ​with the printer ​can order copies of your book at wholesale price, and those order​s​ ​
are​ printed and delivered to the retailer.
Print on Demand can be the most viable option for authors with stricter budgets with a lower​ initial​ investment. Thus, there is no need to spend money to print books ahead of time or store them ​somewhere and worry about large inventory.

Our Book Stocking Options
Apart from Print On Demand, we provide the most viable book stocking option available for our authors. Authors may stock books on our BOOKSHELF or have their own book stocking option, that allows them to be in the personal possession of their books. We accomplished this unique publishing service by eradicating what is falsely called an "Author Discount" that many publishing companies charge authors for thier own books. No author should have to pay a wholesale price for his/her own book. Instead, the only costs the author is responsible for at UPH to stock his/her own book(s) are the printing costs. Printing costs for an average book are only between $4-$10 per book, and those costs decrease based on the volume of books the author requests, the number of pages, and whether they are hardback or paperback.
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We are not simply saying we want you to publish with us. We also have Urban Publishing House Consulting, a sub-division of Urban Publishing House, LLC. Our consulting fees are minimal compared to the amount of knowledge we will provide about the publishing process. At Urban Publishing House, we provide consultations for you to manage your own royalties through several avenues.
1. Build Your Own Marketplace
2. Set Up Your Own Publishing Company!
3. Joint Venture with Urban Publishing House
4. Publish with Another Company
5. Publish the Book Yourself
We keep it Simple for You!

Quick Start Guide: 2 Simple Steps (Click the Links Below)
1. Book One-On-One Consultation with Our Founder - D. I. Temple, Sr.
Authors Who Write with Integrity, Intelligence, and Inspiration!