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Pastor David L. Wade

Meet the Author!

Greetings to each of you, and to my dear "Sweet Members" of Mount Calvary Missionary Bapitst Church of Mesa, Arizona. Welcome to my landing page. It is my prayer that you will be enriched by the journey of faith I have come to witness in my life and in the life of my father Rev. Dr. Melvin Von Wade, Sr. I pray each resource provided will enrich your faith pilgrimage.

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More About David

Pastor Wade’s enthusiasm to share the good news of Jesus Christ has opened doors for him to preach both locally and nationally. Pastor Wade is a United Way board member, and serves as a board member of First Things First, a foundation developing quality early childcare. Pastor Wade is proud to be a third generation proclaimer of the gospel. The first two generations include his grandfather, the late Dr. J. C. Wade, Sr., pastor of the Salem Baptist Church of Omaha, Nebraska (affectionately known as Daddy Wade); and his father Dr. Melvin V. Wade, Sr. Pastor-Emeritus of The Mount Moriah Baptist Church of Los Angeles, and past president of the National Missionary Baptist Convention of America. Although Pastor Wade graduated from Seattle public schools, his quest for higher learning afforded him the privilege to matriculate at the historic Bishop College of Dallas, Texas, Grace Seminary Long Beach CA, and G More Seminary Muncie, IN. Pastor Wade has three wonderful children Latrisha, Tiffany, and Marques.

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Volume 1

Pastor David L. Wade's A FATHER'S JOURNEY OF FAITH is a tribute to his father Melvin Von Wade, Sr. In this volume, David L. Wade catalogues a series of sermons of faith in the Book of Hebrews preached by his father 

Rev. Dr. M. V. Wade, Sr. 

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Choose Your Book Edition

Pastor D. L. Wade's A FATHER'S JOURNEY OF FAITH is available in three classic editions, Legendary Hardback Edition, Signature Paperback Edition, and Exclusive Founder's EBook Edition

Connect with Pastor David L. Wade!

I would love to connect with you in any author or ministerial capacity possible to ensure an eniched journey of your FAITH!

Mount Calvary Baptist Church of Mesa Arizona (Pastor David L. Wade)

1720 E Broadway Rd, Mesa, AZ 85204

Phone: 480-968-5048​






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